Corporate WellnessWorkshops and Retreats

Every Dollar Spent On Each Employees Health and Wellness Could Save You $3,608 and An Increase in Productivity by 500%

A business offers many challenges, all are great as they open you to new learning experiences. But it sometimes may feel hard to understand why your team might be showing up late to work, calling in sick, not hitting the standard they might have before or maybe you're just questioning why your environment just isn't thriving in general anymore.

“Just like the chief of a tribe, you’re responsible for your tribe’s wellbeing"

Companies and Corporate Structures We Have Worked With

- Amber, Director of Amber Werchon

" What did you love about our workshop?

I loved It all! The NCA Go was particularly useful for me at this time. And box breathing! "

- Taj, CEO of ASE

" Chris is an absolute champion. We all loved getting to know him and cannot wait to work with him again "

- Kristie, City Cave Maroochydore Co Owner

" All the things you offered were so powerful to build a better me. But also the people there. Facilitators and other retreat guests. Quality people made that building process so supported. The connections and friends that developed in mere hours. A very important part of the process. Something I’ve only seen created in your network, Chris. "

- Josie, From Helimods

" Loved that this workshop catered to everybody (workout, mindfulness and breathing session and guest speaking). We are a diverse team and this suited perfectly. "

- Bronte, Director From Dash Academy 

" Chris did a session with my team at the office, and brought such a wealth of knowledge and skill. Not only did we all love the session, he spent time answering questions and giving additional care to each of the team on areas they wanted to discuss. Chris is great at what he does, and I highly recommended "

State and federal authorities have been gradually releasing their codes of practice, updating WHS regulations, and talking up the importance of psychological health and safety in the workplace. 

Pretty soon, all employers will either be subject to specific legislation, or answerable to a regulator who could rule that they were aware of best practice but chose to ignore it.

When ISO 45003 was released in June 2021 – as the first global standard that provided specific guidance on the management of psychosocial risks and the promotion of wellbeing at work in a manner consistent with other health and safety risks in the workplace – it offered a global blueprint for best practice but adherence was voluntary because it was a guidance standard not a requirements standard, with no official certification or compliance check.

Now, nearly two years on, with $904.9* million paid each year in compensation for work-related mental health conditions, local regulators are putting more rigour in place.

Here are a few things you should know:

-Every dollar spent yields up to 500% increase in productivity.

- A total of 25% of workers take time off for stress related reasons.

- On average employees took nine sick days per annum, and that the total cost per employee was roughly $3,608.

- implementation of an effective action plan to create a mentally healthy workplace, organisations, on average,
can expect a positive (ROI) of 2.3. That is, for every dollar spent, there is on average $2.30 in benefits to be gained by the

- Organisations with a positive approach to mental health and safety have increased productivity, improved worker engagement and are better able to recruit and retain talented people.

Now the question is, are you ready to improve your workplace for the better?

What Do We Offer?

We Offer These Services:

1. Topic Specific Health and Wellness Workshops

These workshops focus on educating employees and employers in corporate businesses on ways to overcome stress, ease anxiety, find purpose, shift thought patterns from depressed to thriving and have easy to use tools that you can use at work to improve your professional and personal life.

2. Health and Wellbeing Programs 

These programs are created with the purpose of building a healthy and inspiring environment at work that encourages mindfulness, exercise, guided plans to follow and the option for education and movement sessions to improve employee mental health and wellbeing that influence a positive change in behaviours, health, resilience, productivity and reduction in employee sick days. 

3. Corporate Retreats

These retreats are personalised to your goals in professional and personal development but all include our focus of building a healthy mind and body through mindset, health, fitness and wellness principles.

After any of our events, expect high levels of inspiration, improved resilience, a shifted mindset, tools to use for mental and physical health and the opportunity to have a 2.0 business environment if implemented correctly by your business. 

Shift Your Mindset and Start Thriving in Life

Chris started his journey From humble beginnings in a town called Orange in NSW to Travelling to 28 countries, hosting events with one in particular having over 30,000 people involved, hosting a podcast listened to in over 40 countries and running a brand known globally around the world.

Sounds amazing right? 

It is but what you see is the achievements and not the journey it took to get there, from growing up with a mom with spine bifida, a father who left when Chris was born, having an a reliance on drugs and alcohol, working himself to a point of having hives from stress, a unknown reaction "which some may call a mini stroke" being severely depressed, anxious, having a friend commit suicide and another friend passing away from a drug overdose. 

Now with these experiences you have two choices.. Fall into the victim trap or actively work towards thriving in life, so instead of falling victim to a narrative of self neglect and a path that didn’t serve him, he chose to redirect his focus on shifting his life through the way he saw the world, this allowed him to take action, set new standards and live life on his terms through a thriving life mentally and physically.

Learn how to master your health mentally, physically and emotionally to shift your perspective, get more done and stop living in a victim state, so you can start thriving in life professionally and personally.

So What is TravelFit?

Watch Below to Find Out Now

“By learning how to control your mind and body through the nervous system, only then will you find out how to really start thriving in life”

Chris Walker

Why Book a Corporate Event with TravelFit?

Our focus has always been to inspire change through practical tools you can implement into your life that will shift your thoughts, language and actions towards living your best life. 

We combine mind, body and soul principles through story telling, hands on activities and explaining the who's, hows and whys on the importance of functional breathing, cognitive behavioural therapy, brainwave states, controlling your nervous system to reduce stress, improve productivity, increase your mental and physical health and start thriving in life without sacrificing too much time or feeling overwhelmed.

Who is Chris Walker? 

Chris is a Certified Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Sports Nutrition Advisor, Breathing Performance Coach, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist Coach. With over 10 years experience in the health and fitness industry, while also running his own businesses since 2014 he has had the opportunity to implement and practice tools that allowed him to thrive in life.

From hosting the TravelFit Podcast listened to in over 40 countries, running workshops for brands and business, organising retreats and running community events in his spare time he has a clear passion for inspiring others to thrive in life through mind and body.

In the past Chris experienced first hand on how to overcome his own severe anxiety and depression through changing lifestyle habits and behaviours through holistic health and now is on a mission to inspire others to see how they can alter their life for the better.

Our Workshops

1. The Art of Breathing

The workshop focuses on teaching people how to breathe correctly, testing if a person has dysfunctional breathing and the positive effects it has on health mentally and physically through the nervous system. It is hands on, engaging and allows people to use a daily routine that improves mental clarity and improves their health to live a more thriving life in their professional career. 

2. From Surviving to Thriving

This workshop is focused on educating you on how to shift habits and behaviours that aren't allowing you to thrive, from changing your internal and external dialogue to diving into changing your habits around nutrition, exercise and mindfulness to create professional and personal growth. 

Expect to learn about why your burning out, why your nervous system controls your life, how to use guaranteed tools that will shift your mental state in 2 minutes from stressed out to a peak flow state and lastly how to put it all together in an easy to understand way that won't make you feel overwhelmed or confused.

3. Mindful Mindset

This workshop dives into emotional regulation to help employees reduce stress, shift their mental state and become more proactive vs reactive through mindfulness techniques, understanding the process of brainwave states and a perspective shifting daily routine. 

4. Finding Your Tribe 

This is a feel good talk that dives into inspiration through storytelling, habit changing techniques and the science behind changing your environment to thrive in life. 

Custom Workshops Available on Request.

Book in a Workshop Today





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